Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Is “Matcha Delight, Sugar Fight” a New Wonder for Losing Weight?

Matcha Delight, Sugar Fight will make you control and lose weight in a more pleasant and amusing way. This is the newest addition to the array of matcha flavors of Red Leaf Tea. It powerfully combines matcha powdered green tea, chocolate and Gymnema Sylvestre herb to a drink that naturally eliminates the desire for sweets. 

Gymnema Sylvestre herb has saponins, a chemical compound that works on suppressing the taste of sweetness. Enhanced with matcha as an energizer and chocolate which is rich with dietary fiber, Matcha Delight, Sugar Fight will certainly make your desire to lose weight effortless and enjoyable.

Losing weight may not mean sacrificing the food you love to eat. People who love to eat sweets often exert tremendous effort to cut on sweets when an impending increase in body size starts to manifest. This is not a pleasurable thing to do. You can lose weight without those cracks to avoid sweets in your diet through Matcha Delight, Sugar Fight. With this drink, matcha provides you more energy to burn fats faster and Gymnema Sylvestre stops the craving for sweets. Chocolate flavor would make it taste better.

This special matcha treat is only offered by Red Leaf Tea. This is indeed a new delight that will be loved not just by tea drinkers but also by those who love stay healthy.

Place your order now at Red Leaf Tea!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Where to Find the Best Matcha Tea Recipes?

Matcha tea can be blended with any other nutritious flavors to create amazing recipes. The versatility of matcha makes it potent to become a nutritious drink, a mouth-watering sweet, a delicious cake or a culinary delight. Whatever the recipe may be, matcha tea can certainly be made as an extraordinary treat!

Most people think that matcha tea can only be done in a traditional way - that is mixing matcha with water for a tea drink. While the traditional way of preparing matcha is still practiced today, such as in tea ceremonies, many matcha recipes have also emerged to promote variety and to maximize the potential of matcha as a healthy food.

These amazing matcha tea recipes are available at Red Leaf Tea. Recipes range from beverages to culinary delights and there are more than 80 recipes to choose from. Red Leaf Tea is the only matcha tea seller that offers this number of recipes. Each of the recipes is guided with detailed but easy steps to follow. The recipes can easily be made at home at the comfort of one’s kitchen.

Not only does Red Leaf Tea offer matcha tea recipes but it also offers a variety of flavored matcha teas. It offers more than a hundred delectable matcha flavors that are packed with nutritional values. No other matcha seller can offer matcha flavors and recipes better than Red Leaf Tea. The recipes and flavors are created to cater the different needs and tastes of tea drinkers especially those who love matcha.

Red Leaf Tea assures that their products are in best qualities. Matcha tea flavors are kept nutritious and fresh. With Red Leaf Tea, you are assured of quality matcha tea at affordable price as it leads you to way to stay healthy.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

How Does Matcha Tea Promote Weight Loss?

Can you really lose weight without exercising or putting you in a diet? This may be unbelievable but many studies support the claim that matcha tea can indeed promote weight loss. What is in matcha tea, then, that aids in controlling weight increase?


Matcha tea is processed in a detailed manner

One of the stages in matcha tea processing is its shading. Fresh tea bushes are shaded for a couple of weeks. This stage increases the chlorophyll level of tencha, the raw materials for matcha tea. The chlorophyll in matcha tea is believed to be responsible in promoting weight loss. It remarkably controls hunger. When hunger is controlled, the craving for food that is rich with fats and carbohydrates will be reduced.


Chlorophyll can indeed help in reducing weight

This claim was proven by a research conducted in 2013. Twenty moderately overweight women were given three separate meals once in a week for three weeks. Two of the meals had chlorophyll and the other had none. The women reported reduced hunger after meals with chlorophyll with stable blood sugar levels in their blood tests. This concludes that chlorophyll can indeed help in reducing weight.

The evidence provided by the research conducted amplifies the health benefits of matcha tea. Matcha tea is not only rich with antioxidants that purify the body but can also aid in promoting a body that is fit and free from unwanted fats. Too much fats and carbohydrates make one grow in size but not necessarily in a healthy way.


The benefits of chlorophyll in matcha tea

The benefits mentioned earlier make Matcha, being rich with chlorophyll,  a potential drink that truly promotes a healthy body. What is more amazing is that Matcha can be bought from Red Leaf Tea with affordable prices. Red Leaf Tea offers a variety of Matcha products from powder to green tea mix. Purchasing matcha products from this site allows you to enjoy the benefits of chlorophyll in matcha tea.

If you want to lose weight and do not have time to exercise, worry no more. With cups of matcha drinks, you may slowly lose those unwanted fats and eventually lose weight without exerting much effort. 


Start losing weight today by visiting Red Leaf Tea

You will be introduced to its array of matcha flavors that definitely suit your taste. In Red Leaf Tea, you are guaranteed of a better way of losing weight by spending less for a premium quality matcha tea!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

How to Find the Best Quality Matcha Tea

Many of my friends who used to drink coffee have switched to drinking matcha tea now. They are convinced that matcha tea offers more health benefits than coffee. 

Why should you choose matcha tea?

Foremost of all is the effect of caffeine in the body. While the caffeine in coffee increases energy level almost instantly after a cup of coffee, it cannot be maintained for many hours. The caffeine in matcha tea, however, is absorbed by the body in small quantities and therefore, energy level is sustained for long hours.

Aside from the caffeine that boost energy in the body, matcha tea has a component that relaxes the body and mind. It contains L-theanine that sharpens the mind and calms the body. It keeps the mind constantly in focus for many hours. This is the reason why Zen monasteries make matcha tea a part of their daily routine. It keeps their mind and body relax for a long period of meditation.

Matcha tea is also rich in antioxidants. It removes toxins from the body. It contains Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant that aids in maintaining a healthy immune system. A healthy immune system helps in preventing tumor, cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

Unlike coffee, however, matcha tea may not be readily available in the grocery stores. Most people would go to fancy coffee shops to get a matcha tea drink. Yet, not all may have the luxury of time to visit coffee shops for matcha teas. A cup of matcha tea is also expensive when purchased from coffee shops.

What qualities of matcha tea should you look for?

An alternative way to enjoy matcha tea is to order it online. In this way, you can enjoy your favorite matcha tea flavors in the comfort of your home. Needless to say, then, that you can do it anytime you want it. You can also make as much cups of matcha teas as you like. Much more, you can adjust the taste of your matcha tea by adjusting the amount of each ingredient. This is, indeed, fun!

Shopping for matcha tea online, may not be that easy, though. There are a lot of matcha suppliers that sell matcha tea flavors at a high cost. Sad to say, a more expensive matcha tea does not guarantee good quality matcha tea sometimes. Contrary to what many may think, low cost matcha teas may also be the best quality matcha teas. The perfect way to choose the best matcha tea is to compare their qualities.

A quality matcha has few features that can easily be tested. First is its color. Quality matcha tea has a distinct bright green color. Premium matcha teas come from the leaves of tea plants. Only the fresh and young sprout leaves are used for matcha teas. They are processed in a meticulous way to retain the quality and color of the leaves.

Matcha tea must also be fine in texture. Matcha tea comes from tea leaves that are deveined and destemmed. The leaves are then stone-ground to produce a talc-like powder. The finer is the texture, the better is its quality.

The taste of matcha tea should also be a bit bitter. Because it comes from tea leaves, it should be a little bitter in taste. A matcha tea that is very sweet has an added sugar in it. Thus, it is no longer a pure matcha tea.

Where can you find the best quality matcha tea?

All these qualities of a matcha tea can be found in Red Leaf Tea. Red Leaf Tea guarantees 100% premium quality matcha tea that are sourced from a reliable and credible matcha supplier. The cost is also lower than what other online shops charge. Red Leaf Tea is committed to serve its clients with quality matcha tea flavors without charging so much. It also delivers matcha tea flavors for free! It ensures that matcha tea is stored and delivered fresh, tasty, nutritious and at the right price. The site declares:

We not only get high quality teas but we also get high quality suppliers. This is a key ingredient in being able to offer high quality products. So many stores have closed and the fact that our sales keep slowly increasing is a true testament to our quality, reliability and secure online shopping features.”

This is, indeed, the perfect choice of an online shop that you are looking for.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Chocolate Matcha - a Mouth-Watering Combination

Everyone loves chocolate. It is an all time bite for young and old. Of course, you love the sweetness that you savor and the creamy texture that melts in your mouth giving you a distinct sensation of goodness and satisfaction. Be it a drink, a pastry or a cake, chocolate is always sought for its delectable zest.

Chocolate is not only a delicious treat but is also packed with nutritional values. It has calories, carbohydrates (which has dietary fiber), protein and saturated fats. These are essential nutritional components that are required by our body to stay fit and healthy.

What is more mouth-watering and awesome healthy treat than combining chocolates with matcha?

Matcha Powdered Green Tea is an authentic source of healthy essentials that offers an astounding nutritional benefits. It is rich with antioxidants, can boost energy level, sharpens mental focus, relaxes the body and promotes weight loss. These health benefits make Matcha Powdered Green Tea the best choice for a drink or pastry for people who care for their health.

Mixing matcha with chocolate offers a powerful package of the delicious taste of chocolate and the refreshing flavor of matcha. Combining the healthy components of chocolates and matcha promises an enormous health advantages that you do not want to miss out. This combination is truly an addition to your list of health promoting products.

What recipes are available for chocolate and matcha?

There are numerous recipes available that combine chocolate and matcha in a drink, cake or pastry. These can be generated from the internet or simply from a cookbook that features different recipes for matcha or chocolates. Red Leaf Tea has a number of recipes for matcha and chocolate. The recipes are simple with a step by step instruction on how to blend the two powerful flavors into a magnificent treat.

This mighty combination of Chocolate and Matcha is simply a fabulous treat. Both offer tremendous and scientifically proven health benefits. Their combination provides a whole package of amazing health boosters that keep your body and mind extra strong and alert! Try them, and enjoy a healthy life!

Make your chocolate matcha delicacy now!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

How to Find The Best Quality Green Tea Frappuccino?

A lot of my friends in the social media are asking about Green Tea Frappuccino. So I decided to write an article about it that provides quick facts to answer some basic questions on Matcha, the main ingredient of Matcha Frappuccino.

What is Matcha?

Have you ever heard about Matcha? For tea drinkers, this is easy to answer. Yet, for those who have not even heard of it, I will share some of its basic facts.

Matcha is a powdered green tea. It is basically a tea. It is not, however, just like any other tea that are placed in tea bags. It is a powdered tea. Tea leaves are stone-milled to become Matcha. Because it is powdered tea leaves, when you indulge yourself into a Matcha drink, you practically consume the tea leaves and not just the brewed water from tea bags.

What is so special about it? 

Teas are known to have a lot of potential health benefits. The most common kind of tea is the one in tea bags or loose leaf tea. The tea bag is placed in hot water and we drink the brewed water, throwing away the tea bag that contains the tea leaves. In drinking brewed water from tea bags, we only get a fraction of the nutritional components of tea leaves.

With Matcha, you get the maximum potential nutritional values that tea leaves offer because you consume the whole tea leaf. A matcha drink, such as Matcha Frappuccino,  has 10 times more nutritional values than brewed water from loose leaf tea.

What are the health benefits it offers?

There are various health benefits that Matcha offers. These are all contained in a Matcha Frappuccino drink.  I will present the top 4 of those that are truly beneficial to our bodies.

First, it is rich in antioxidants. It has 137 times more of antioxidant than any green tea. More and more toxins get into our body each day. Toxins destroy our healthy tissue that may result to degenerative diseases. We need to remove these toxins to maintain a healthy immune system. The antioxidant component in matcha can help restore a strong immune system and prevent diseases.

It also promotes weight loss because  of its chlorophyll content that is proven to control hunger. Thus, it helps in keeping a well maintained diet.

It also increases energy level because it contains theophylline - a type of caffeine in Matcha. Theophylline is absorbed by the body in small quantities spread over many hours. This results to a sustained energy for many hours.

Finally, it is also a relaxant. It contains L-theanine that relaxes the muscles and blood vessels. L-theanine also soothes the nerves that causes a feeling of calmness. This also relaxes the brain that helps focusing and concentrating easier to do.

Where can we get the best quality Green Tea Frappuccino?
Thank you for reading this far. You have reached the bottom line where you are ready to enjoy a Matcha Frappuccino that is invigorating at the same time nutritious!

Quality Matcha Frappuccino may not be expensive. There is no need to go to a fancy coffee shop to get it. Matcha, its main ingredient, is available in a wide market now. You can make your own Matcha Frappuccino drink at home anytime of the day.  It is very convenient making it at home because it is not only hassle-free but also allows you to make a mixture that perfectly suits your taste. Here are the qualities that you should find in a good quality matcha.
  • distinct light green color
  • talc-like powder in texture
  • just enough sweetness
This article has links that will direct you to find quality Matcha that is best for your Matcha Frappuccino at home. Visit them today.

REMEMBER: Find the best quality Matcha that offers  the best value for your money.

If you learn something from this article, write your comment or share it to your friends. 
Have a Wonderful Matcha Day!

Have Fun with Powdered Green Tea Flavors

Powdered Green Tea is a stone-milled tea leaves that have undergone a meticulous process of selecting, shading, harvesting, brewing and drying. It is known to have many health advantages with no adverse effects.

Powdered Green Tea is the main component of Matcha Tea that can be blended with other flavors to make a healthy and refreshing drink. Because it is a stone-ground tea leaves, it has all the substances of the leaves that contain nutritional components such as minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

You can choose a variety of flavors to blend with Matcha Tea for a delightful drink or pastry. Check these flavors from Red Leaf Tea, the most reliable source of organic premium matcha that offers them with the best value for your money.