Tuesday, August 11, 2015

How to Find The Best Quality Green Tea Frappuccino?

A lot of my friends in the social media are asking about Green Tea Frappuccino. So I decided to write an article about it that provides quick facts to answer some basic questions on Matcha, the main ingredient of Matcha Frappuccino.

What is Matcha?

Have you ever heard about Matcha? For tea drinkers, this is easy to answer. Yet, for those who have not even heard of it, I will share some of its basic facts.

Matcha is a powdered green tea. It is basically a tea. It is not, however, just like any other tea that are placed in tea bags. It is a powdered tea. Tea leaves are stone-milled to become Matcha. Because it is powdered tea leaves, when you indulge yourself into a Matcha drink, you practically consume the tea leaves and not just the brewed water from tea bags.

What is so special about it? 

Teas are known to have a lot of potential health benefits. The most common kind of tea is the one in tea bags or loose leaf tea. The tea bag is placed in hot water and we drink the brewed water, throwing away the tea bag that contains the tea leaves. In drinking brewed water from tea bags, we only get a fraction of the nutritional components of tea leaves.

With Matcha, you get the maximum potential nutritional values that tea leaves offer because you consume the whole tea leaf. A matcha drink, such as Matcha Frappuccino,  has 10 times more nutritional values than brewed water from loose leaf tea.

What are the health benefits it offers?

There are various health benefits that Matcha offers. These are all contained in a Matcha Frappuccino drink.  I will present the top 4 of those that are truly beneficial to our bodies.

First, it is rich in antioxidants. It has 137 times more of antioxidant than any green tea. More and more toxins get into our body each day. Toxins destroy our healthy tissue that may result to degenerative diseases. We need to remove these toxins to maintain a healthy immune system. The antioxidant component in matcha can help restore a strong immune system and prevent diseases.

It also promotes weight loss because  of its chlorophyll content that is proven to control hunger. Thus, it helps in keeping a well maintained diet.

It also increases energy level because it contains theophylline - a type of caffeine in Matcha. Theophylline is absorbed by the body in small quantities spread over many hours. This results to a sustained energy for many hours.

Finally, it is also a relaxant. It contains L-theanine that relaxes the muscles and blood vessels. L-theanine also soothes the nerves that causes a feeling of calmness. This also relaxes the brain that helps focusing and concentrating easier to do.

Where can we get the best quality Green Tea Frappuccino?
Thank you for reading this far. You have reached the bottom line where you are ready to enjoy a Matcha Frappuccino that is invigorating at the same time nutritious!

Quality Matcha Frappuccino may not be expensive. There is no need to go to a fancy coffee shop to get it. Matcha, its main ingredient, is available in a wide market now. You can make your own Matcha Frappuccino drink at home anytime of the day.  It is very convenient making it at home because it is not only hassle-free but also allows you to make a mixture that perfectly suits your taste. Here are the qualities that you should find in a good quality matcha.
  • distinct light green color
  • talc-like powder in texture
  • just enough sweetness
This article has links that will direct you to find quality Matcha that is best for your Matcha Frappuccino at home. Visit them today.

REMEMBER: Find the best quality Matcha that offers  the best value for your money.

If you learn something from this article, write your comment or share it to your friends. 
Have a Wonderful Matcha Day!

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